Name is a powerful tool to describe the course of our life and Numerology is one of the most powerful and influential sciences widely used all over the world to set the course of our life in complete harmony. Numerology is the study of divine relations between numbers and coinciding events in our life. This magical science can help you redesign your identity through your favourable numbers. Your lucky colours and favourable vibrations to help you and your business stand out in the society.
Numerology reading composed personally on the basis of one’s date of birth indicates skills one's posses as well as challenges one need to overcome. It gives deep insights into who you are and where your talent lies. It gives you broader perspective to choose professions well suited to you to attract abundance and success. Personalized numerology reading gives you deeper analysis of your name and correcting it to make it compatible with number to harmonize the energies within and around you.
NUMEROLOGY IS THE LANGUAGE OF OUR UNIVERSE Experience the magic of numbers through the mysticism of numerology which could help very well in decoding and coinciding major life events and all the aspects of our life with numbers This magical science of numbers can be precisely used to PLAN & ACHIEVE what we desire in terms of health /wealth /prosperity /mental peace and what not.
Choose the right name for your kid using the principles of Numerology to give them a great start in life.:-
1. Suggesting Lucky Alphabets As Per Kids Date Of Birth For Naming Them
2. Suggesting Auspicious Names For Kids In Sync With Birth Numbers
3. Lucky Colors
4. Lucky Numbers
5. Suitable Karmic Professions Compatible With Date Of Birth
Baby Name Numerology Report Rs. 5,500.00
The ancient science of Numerology helps you understand your personality and relationships, reveals future opportunities and obstacles and uncovers your unique, inborn talents. Based on your birth date and birth name, Numerology greatly enhances the way you understand yourself and your life.
Detailed Analysis and Rectification of
1. Current Name
2. Mobile Numbers
3. Vehicle Numbers
4. Address
5. E-Mail ID and
- To Sync these correctly with your Birth Numbers
House Name Suggestion - Remedies for Missing Numbers in life pattern grid that works at 3 levels –Body, Mind & Soul
- List of Lucky Colours, Numbers, Gems, Metals as per birth numbers
- Suitable Karmic Professions Compatible with birth numbers
Personal Numerology Report Rs. 5,000.00
- Unlock the secret of a successful business and powerful branding using the most influential numbers in the world of business.
- Detailed analysis of current companys Name or Brand Name and its compatibility with the controller / owner of the company.
- Suggesting Best Business Names as per Business Category and in sync with the controller / owners birth numbers.
- Lucky colors for Business Card, logo and related stationary as per birth numbers.
- Auspicious dates for Major business Decision such as :-
(A). Launch of new products / Services
(B). Launch / Expansion of Business
(C). Promotion of Products / Services - Personal Numerology Calendar to plan major life events.Fee
Business Numerology Report Rs 5,000.00
It empowers you to make personal, career and business decisions with logical and deeper understanding and clear guide ahead.
1. Personal Numerology Report.
2. Business Numerology Report.
Full Numerology Report Rs 10,000.00
What we will cover in Numerology Report.
- General prediction as per Numerology.
- Name Rectification (small change in spelling).
- Lucky Numbers, Lucky colors, Lucky Dates etc.
- Suggestion of best business Name.Best Mobile number.
- Detailed Numerology predictions of year 2021.
- Month wise detailed Report of year 2021.
- Covered all Remedies.
Get Your Detailed Numerology Report of 60+ pages worth Rs. 11,000.00